50th Post

This marks the 50th post that I have written for this blog. The inaugural post was published on the 29th of May – almost exactly 3 months ago – which means I should get cracking writing some more! So far there have been 10 comments, including 3 that I wrote myself. Accompanying those are 7 spam comments that were picked up by Akismet, which is an extremely useful plugin.

The blog layout has changed slightly in that time. I have been adding various plugins, such as Similar Posts and WP-Notable (which I later removed as the output didn't validate) as well as some. I have added in the register/login links to the header, advertising to the post pages and W3C validation links in the footer. I also went into some of the guts of WordPress and changed the "Read the rest of this entry…" links to take you to the top of the post, rather than at a point after the opening text. I feel this is a better way to go.

Things that still need to be done: